Can I tell you a story?


I had someone ask me recently where I was getting my energy for my recent projects. So I want to share a personal story.
About 2 years ago I called 3 mental health agencies in NJ because I was worried. I noticed that my Dad’s ankles were really swollen. He had a stroke a year before due to poorly regulated blood sugar and hypertension. He refused to see a doctor despite my best attempts to help him. He was adamant that “he was fine” and “it was getting better”. My mom was exhausted from working 6 days a week, and having to also deal with my Dad. Her stress levels were so high she was having panic attacks.

The thing was, my Dad had been showing signs of a schizoaffective disorder for a really long time. I felt that if I didn’t do something soon, I was going to lose both parents.
Luckily the Comprehensive Behavioral Health Center of Bergen County called me back, and I practically dragged my mom to see a counselor. They gave my mom pro bono therapy services, gave her a list of emergency psychiatric hotlines, and she also went to a support group. My mom eventually called that hotline when she felt ready, and my Dad was able to get the medical (both psychiatric and physical) services that he needed.
My family’s life had changed because of resources and support.

That’s why I decided to start a mobile outpatient private practice- because services don’t mean anything if people can’t access it.

That’s why I decided to start a Dysphagia Support group- because support and access to resources could change another family’s life- just like it did mine.

I hear those doubting voices in my head too - “Who do I think I am?”
“Who would listen to a random young Asian woman?”
But I know that I have to at least try

Great news!

Save the date! DC Dysphagia Support Group on November 9, 2019 1pm -2:30pm