Ⅰnterview・インタビュー Cherie Dai

Ⅰnterview・インタビュー Cherie Dai

Did you know? More people speak one or more languages in the world compared to just one language. In the 2010 US census, 21% of Americans age 5 year and older spoke a language other than English at home. This series aims to highlight bilingual and multilingual people in our communities.


1. What's your name ・名前は?

 Cherie Dai シェリー・ダイ

2. Where were you born・出身地は?


3. What is your first language? What is your second language? At which time did you start speaking your first and second language?・第1言語は?第2言語は?習った順番は?

 1st language is English and I started speaking around 1.5 - 2 years old. 2nd language is Chinese Mandarin and started speaking around 3 or 4 years old.


4. What languages did your parents/siblings/family members speak? 親、兄弟、家族はどの言語を話しますか?

 Parents spoke English, Chinese Mandarin and Cantonese. I speak English with my siblings and Chinese Mandarin with my grandparents even though their 1st language is Cantonese.


5. Did you spend time in another country (summer breaks in Japan for example)? 違う国で夏休みや定期的に違う国にいきました?


6. How well do you speak/understand/read/write your languages? 第1言語、第2言語のスキルレベルは?

 I'm fluent in English and Chinese Mandarin. 英語とマンダリン(中国語)はネイティブレベルです。カントン(中国語)はあまり自信がないです。I understand some Cantonese but embarrassed to speak it.

7. How much school did you do? In what language? Do you use your second/third language at work?学校ではどの言語で習いました?第2、3言語は仕事で使いますか?

 English is my first language and I've been speaking it since pre-K. All classes were taught in English except language classes. For Chinese classes, I remember taking 1-hour lessons about 3 times a week from primary (elementary) school to secondary (high) school. Yes, I speak a lot of Chinese Mandarin with my coworkers and found I have improved.


8. Were there times that it was hard being multilingual/multicultural? マルチリンガルとして育って、大変なことはありますか?

Sometimes. I used to struggle identifying with my Chinese and westernized cultures. Furthermore, coworkers from China would tell me I'm not "real" Chinese because I can't speak as well as them and because I'm "Americanized".


9. What message would you have to your fellow bilingual/multilingual peeps or  parents that are raising bilingual children? バイリンガル・マルチリンガルの人たち、またはバイリンガル・マルチリンガル児の親に対してのメッセージはありますか?

 Persevere in teaching your children to be multilingual because it not only helps them develop their brains, but also helps them develop compassion and understanding of others' cultures. I'm glad I am fluent in both languages because I can bridge communication gaps among people.


10. How can people connect with you on social media?SNSとかしてますか?

 Follow me on Instagram(インスタグラム) @cheriebeans

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