Interview・インタビュー Miki Diane Shibata

Interview・インタビュー Miki Diane Shibata


Did you know? More people speak one or more languages in the world compared to just one language. In the 2010 US census, 21% of Americans age 5 year and older spoke a language other than English at home. This series aims to highlight bilingual and multilingual people in our communities.


1. What's your name ・名前は?

Miki Diane Shibata ・柴田未来ダイアン

2. Where were you born・出身地は?

United States of America・アメリカ合衆国

3. What is your first language? What is your second language? At which time did you start speaking your first and second language?・第1言語は?第2言語は?習った順番は?

Japanese is my first language. After I was born, I lived in Japan from 1-4. After I turned 5, I returned to the US and started learning English when I started kindergarden. According to my parents, I would come home pale from kindergarten- likely because I had NO idea what was being said to me, or how to tell people what I needed and what I thought.


4. What languages did your parents/siblings/family members speak?

My parents both spoke Japanese. However, my mom is ethnically Korean. She didn’t speak a lot of it when she was living in Japan, but she started to speak it more when we moved back to the US. So, I grew up with Japanse, Korean, and English around me. Unfortunately I didn’t learn Korean. Still a bit mad about that.


5. Did you spend time in another country (summer breaks in Japan for example)?

Nope! I didn’t visit Japan again until I took a trip for a college graduation trip.


6. How well do you speak/understand/read/write your languages?

 English I can read, write, speak - I can function professionally and academically. Japanese I can read, speak, and write with a computer/assistance from technology. I can function professionally (I have JLPT Level 1 certification), but not sure academically. I also studied Spanish from middle school through college, and studied abroad in Argentina. I can speak, read, write but am not very confident in it.


7. How much school did you do? In what language? Do you use your second/third language at work? 学校ではどの言語で習いました?第2、3言語は仕事で使いますか?

 I did all my education in English, including Graduate School in the US. I went to Hoshukou or Saturday Japanese school from 3rd grade to 9th grade. I used Japanese when I worked as an Assistant Language Teacher with the JET program after I graduated college. I didn’t use it that much during my Graduate schooling but I started to use it alot more recently. I use Spanish pretty often at my full time job.


8. Were there times that it was hard being multilingual/multicultural? マルチリンガルとして育って、大変なことはありますか?

Yeah, I think it was the hardest when I was a teenager, because it’s such a sensitive age. Being different puts a target on your back, and I felt very awkward speaking Japanese if I was in front of any of my peers. I did get made fun of for being Asian/speaking a different language. And, I also had people who were Japanese tell me how my “Japanese wasn’t right,” or how I wasn’t “Truly Japanese.” I think all those messages do stick with you, but in the ends of end the fact that I had a foundation in it allowed me to use it when I needed a job after college, and I am happy to be able to serve more than one population in my current job. I think it’s important for parent to understand that “being bilingual” means “being different” as a teenager, and there might be a time that children don’t want to speak their second language. Giving them positive experiences and a foundation in language prior to that age, and riding that time out is super important. Then, once they are an adult they can decide if they want to pursue their second language more, or use it in their occupation.


Ⅰnterview・インタビュー Cherie Dai

Ⅰnterview・インタビュー Cherie Dai