バイリンガル言語療法士の思い ・My “why” as a Bilingual SLP

District Speech and Swallow Rehabのバイリンガル児のシリーズに興味持っていただき、ありがとうございます!




最後に、バイリンガル児シリーズで書いたように、まだ周囲からバイリンガリズム・マルチリンガリズムに関してのて間違った知識が根強く残っている事。District Speech and Swallow Rehabのブログ記事が研究結果をよく述べるのは正しい知識を伝えるため。間違った考えやアプローチは時間の無駄ですし、子供のストレスや害になる恐れがある。


So, why an online course about Bilingualism, you ask? Don’t children just “become” bilinguals? Like we’ve highlighted in the Interviewing Multilinguals series, there are many forms of bilingualism. There are some that can understand their first language but can’t speak it; there are some that can speak it, but cannot read or write; and there are some that understand, speak, read, and write. Though every form of bilingualism/multilingualism should be celebrated, what we know from research is that an individual’s ability to utilize their first, second, or third language depends on their language environment and the richness of their language experiences. What’s tough, though, is that many people don’t know what “richness” entails; people may not have time to research/make materials, people around them might have outdated notions about multilingualism and may discourage it, or they don’t want to stress or harm their kids by being wrong.

Through the Interviewing Multilinguals series, I’ve learned that many people experienced feeling awkward or uncomfortable because they were different from those around them. Being multilingual/multicultural is complicated, and often parents don’t understand what their child is feeling, because they haven’t grown up in a foreign country. I was the same way. I chose the picture of my college graduation because until I graduated college, I kept my Japanese language abilities hidden to some degree. I hid it so well that many Japanese speakers in my own grade had NO idea to what extent I understood, spoke, and read the language. When you’re an Asian teenager growing up in a mostly white town, you learn quickly that being “different” puts a target on your back. So I learned to be very selective when I would use my Japanese—my parents were often puzzled why I would speak only English outside the house. However, the fact that I had a foundation in my first language established during my early years helped me further my first language skills when I wanted to.

Additionally, the reason why I focus on research findings in my Bilingual blog is because there is still so much false or outdated information about bilingualism out in the field of education and early childhood development in the US and Japan. Bad advice based on bad information is not only a waste of time, but can be stressful to a child or cause unintended negative effects on their development.

So that’s why I want to provide a high-quality online course that provides knowledge, educational material suggestions, and techniques to arm busy parents with the information and tools they need to foster the language skills that they want their kids to have. I’m focusing on the Japanese-English bilingual population because I know that I can serve them well—because I have lived the experience. If you could help the crowdfund it would mean so much!

